September 10, 2016
8:00 am Shotgun Start The
year 2016 is the 36th year of this event. A true
test of time!
The winners of this event have the honor of hosting this tournament in
invite all former Golf League members
NCR-AT&T-CTEC-Lucent-Symbios-LSI-Engenio- NetApp - US Veterans
Family members and friends of Fallen Veterans, All employee Family
members, All Former employees and their Family members and vendors you
do business with.
Special Thanks:
Kenny Millsap and Bob Funcheon for
Honoring our Soldiers
at this years Tournament.
The Fathers of some Great American Men.
Tim North
Hole stroke play.
Handicaps are based on random selection of nine holes, minus par, x 85%
rounded down.
Four - Flights
are based on your gross score
Ties are settled
by random hole scorecard playoff.
We play NetApp
Golf League Rules
(play ball up everywhere two
club heads , you can
move ball with your club head only, play level lies in sand traps, play
everything in the leather except eagle putts, birdies putts and par
Each Player plays
his or her own ball.
Captain of each group records scores on each hole and for each player
in his foursome.
players are welcome as long as they have played in our company league
or played in any of our past tournaments, a family member of any past
or present company employee (NCR, AT&T, Symbios, Lucent, LSI
Logic or Engenio, CTEC, NetApp and all United State Veterans their
family members and friends). Customer and Vendors are also
Women play red
Players age 65 and over can also play red tees.
Players age 15 and under can also play red tees.
Everyone else plays the white tees.
I went to a
church service in the summer of 2008 that Bob Funcheon (Alex's father)
spoke at in a tribute to his son. This entire service was dedicated to
his son. Let me tell you that this was the most touching an memorable
speeches that I have ever witnessed. There was more tears in the eyes
of the people that attended this service than I had ever seen. Bob you
paid a price none of us would ever wish to pay. I am sure your son
witnessed every word you spoke that morning. I am sure Alex
was so proud of you for doing such a fine tribute to him. I know that I